Day 35 - Wednesday, June 23
Yesterday was a really solid day for me as I felt almost no pain in my shin and was thinking I could add in a little running today until I twisted my back on the way out of the RV! As a result, Lucky and I limped along for 26 miles from Hopkinsville aka Hoptown to the adorable town of Princeton KY.
The route had no cities in between, just a rolling sea of green made up of tobacco, corn and areas of lush tree cover. There are also a number of Amish people in the area working on barns and houses as well as farming.
I have noticed that when in rural Georgia, many homes had Trump/Pence 2020 posters or even spray painting that remained up. In Tennessee we saw a few signs outside of the cities. In Kentucky, we have not seen one.
As Lucky and I made our way down the lonely road, a pickup truck pulled over and I met Jim who wanted to know where we were going and how the dog just followed along. He had an infectious smile and wanted to know what/why/how about my journey and shared with me highlights of his life. At the end I asked if we could do it again on film and he truncated the session to 20 seconds! I told him he could follow along if he wanted on the blog and he told me he had no idea what a blog is, doesn’t have internet and pulled out his 20 year old flip phone to show me that it worked fine and he didn’t need anything else.
After 15 miles, I refuel and Lucky taps out - not willingly but because it get’s hot and with no water it can’t be good while on chemo. He happily jumps into his co-pilot seat next to Chris who seems to have a crush on Lucky now. Chris took an interesting video while driving that shows the country side rolling by.
Right outside of town there was big business going on in a quarry - never seen anything like it except when playing the game MouseTrap; a Rube Goldberg contraption of conveyers where trucks dump big rocks and through a serious of ups and downs it all becomes gravel out the other end a half mile later.
The town of Princeton is a quaint village sitting on a stream that runs right by it. There is a park commemorating the Big Springs internment camp where they held the Cherokee’s during the forced marches….couldn’t have been this beautiful back then.
We ended up at Newsome’s Aged Hams market where we tasted prosciutto that was exceptional and the market had many other local jams, produce and honeys. The store has been in the family for 3 generations.
All for now, hopefully a good nights sleep cures back issues…
Thank you for the support.
P.S. Lucky’s final walk before bed and I ended up having to chase him into a sunset photo shoot of beautiful southern belles who broke from the pose to pet him.
Early morning kick off
Tobacco fields as far as the eye can see
Barns have logos in Kentucky
Lucky enjoying the open road
Amish country
20 year old flip phone that works just fine
Chris has a crush?
House next to the Irvin Cemetery
Lucky getting to drink to his hearts content
What a mooch…