T-2 Weeks

I’m not going to sugar coat it…I am getting nervous about what is ahead. While mentally I’ve jumped into the deep end, there is a lurking fear that it might not end well. Whether the body or the mind can take what is ahead remains to be seen. Occupying the moments of angst and anxiousness are the numerous details required to get to the start point. Shopping lists, tech requirements, financing, insurance and just learning about the RV crowd out the fear of what is to come.

David Green

David Green is an entrepreneur and endurance athlete who has competed in numerous Ironman competitions and ultrarunning events. After graduating from Columbia University in 1986, he founded several startups including SPLIFE, his latest sports-tech company. David lives in Florida with his wife, Mônica, and their three rescue dogs. In 2022, the couple founded Friends of Lucky Caminho (www.luckycaminho.org), a nonprofit to help strays like Lucky along Brazil’s Caminho da Fé trail. A portion of the book’s proceeds will be donated to the charity.


T-13 Days


T-3 Weeks