Day 106 - Tuesday, September 14
Chris and I have fallen into a perfect rhythm after so many weeks on the road. I move out now around 4am, he meets me around 8-9am and we have second breakfast of eggs, cheese, toast and bacon or sausage with another coffee. Then another 3 hours to check in for fluid and snacks and then finish off the last of 35-40 miles by 4pm. Quick shower, dinner and I’m laying down and writing by 6pm before lights out by 7pm.
Coming out of the mountain pass yesterday for 10 miles I hurt my left hip flexor as I’m running against traffic on the shoulder where there is angle on the roadway. I was having trouble running early this morning because of the pain. Now I’m not into mysticism or that kind of stuff but over the months of running when I get a pain someplace - like my foot - I focus my mind on it and it goes away. This has happened a bunch of times and again this morning with my hip. I’m not crazy…I’m not crazy…
It was hot, windy and dry today as we began coming out of the mountains where we have lived since Wyoming at 5,000’-8,500’. We are going down to 4,000’ in next 3 days to Carson City where a decision will need to be made about going north or south around Lake Tahoe. I am in touch daily with El Dorado Sheriff on the South Tahoe route which is currently closed due to wildfires. But, they have just started letting some residents in and I might just make it. Three days of hope.
Based on the two options and if I can keep up the 35+ miles per day, my schedule should be:
Sept 18 - Carson City
Sept 21 - Eskaton Village to visit Grammy who is 104 years old, Mom & boyfriend Dick, Aunt Jan, Sister Lisa with Samantha, Rachel & Mikey her kids, Justine and others
Sept 25 - Arrive Mill Valley to see Gabe and Monica on her birthday as well as Mike & Marylou and hopefully Dan, Heather, Grace and Wade
Sept 26 - Monica and I will walk last 6 miles to Pacific Ocean and meet Chris at Pelican Inn so we can all go the last mile together and then touch the ocean
That’s the plan at least…
One final note on the Vets I met along the way who were the most compassionate people. I continue to hear from them as they learn of his passing. Another special Vet, Dr. Beebout from Hilltop Clinic in Kearney NE sent me this today:
Hi David, I was wanting to check in and see how you and Lucky were getting along. I decided to head over to your blog and saw the post that your little guy passed away a few weeks ago. David, I am so sorry about your loss. He was such a lucky (no pun intended) pup to have found you, he knew exactly what he was doing when he followed you that first day! I'm so happy I got to meet you and Lucky and was able to help out with his treatment. I wish all my clients had the amazing bond you and Lucky had and that everyone would go above and beyond for their beloved pets. I wish you safe travels and know that Lucky is always with you, doing what he loved best which was to run by your side.
You're in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
Chokes me up about losing Lucky while making my heart full of love for the compassion shown by those we have met along the road.
Thank you for your support.
I kicked off at 4am and was treated to shooting stars, bright Milky Way and cool temps.
Daily brief
Incredible sunrise over the desert.
And, all my views of the road…
On the Pony Express trail I run into a wild horse who found the only water I’ve seen in days.
The Cold Springs Station is a historic stagecoach station site that was active during 1861-1869 as a passenger and freight station, and later for freight. Only stone ruins remain. Nearby there is also Pony Express Station and Telegraph buildings.
The only game in town - Middlegate, NV. Real character in the bar - packed for lunch and I had a burger and beer for dinner. RV parking is free in the lot and there is a motel. Bohemian town in the back of folks who live there year round.