Day 43 - Thursday, July 1
A Henry Ford quote sprang to mind in the midst of a day of driving rain and not feeling my best, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t - you’re right.”
But we begin the night before staying in the back of the Pit Stop Lounge in Millersville MO. There were 7 RV’s hitched up and we signed up to be the 8th. After we docked the ship and connected water, power and sewer and then showered and ate Chris and I went over to the Pit Stop for 1 beer.
The bar/restaurant/pool hall was empty except for Chris and I and the bar tender Michelle. She was all business at first, surly and strong but after a few moments she lit up a brown looking cigarette and loosened up with us. The establishment was owned by a woman named Shelly who bought out a defunct gas station and Michelle left her husband of 22 years to come here to work. We asked why and she responded the man did nothing for 22 years and the kids were gone so she needed to fly. In Millersville, town of a few hundred, she met a man with a fifth wheel (RV home that is towed) and he sold it to her for $5,000. She lives full time in the back of The Pit Stop paying $400/month for space, power, water, WiFi and sewage. We learned that of the 7 full-timers, 4 of them are single women.
Storms blew in overnight and it rained all night. Lucky didn’t eat again and is very sensitive right now - if i grab his neck for fun he yelps and when I let him out to go for walk he didn’t like the stones so he sat on the welcome mat rather than brave the gravel.
Waking up at the normal time 3:57am - and this is not with an alarm - I felt for the first time in Act II that I was tired. Right shin/tibia is good, back is good - a few blisters but I just felt tired. Lucky was also moping around and didn’t eat. For 30 days we haven’t had any big rain - only at nights and the day we took Lucky to St. Louis. So today was the day we were off and the rain came.
The rain held off until I met Chris at 12 miles and I mentioned to him I was not at my best and not to take my mood personally….needed to just get through today.
And when I left onto a solitary road, the dam burst and a hard, sustained rain hit. I climbed to about 1,000 foot elevation where the road plateaued and I walked and ran and walked.
An old toothless man in a 70s style Chevy suburban stopped in the middle of the road to asked me if I needed a lift to the next town 15 miles away - in the down pour I screamed I’m heading further west than Fredericktown and thanked him.
Along the range top where there are no homes, just woods there is In assisted living facility. On a porch that faces Route 72, a solitary man sitting under the veranda is watching me in the pouring rain running by and he stands up and yells, “I hope you get to where you are going Mr.!”
In the next few mile 2 other people stop to ask me if I need a ride, one of whom named Karen lifted my spirits with her energy and kindness.
I have learned the mind generally wins the battle with the body. Today, the body kept me going against my tired mind. And, the kindness of strangers brought my will back so that I finished strong in Fredericktown.
Once in town I stopped a stranger to ask him what restaurant he would recommend and without hesitation he said the Depot. I then walked into a small store front where a woman sat at a desk and I surprised her walking in to ask her the same question to which she responded, “The Depot”. Chris and I just left The Depot thrilled that we found the place and enjoyed a a great spinach artichoke dip, fresh house salad and local craft beer. Then haddock main dish with butter, garlic and ritz cracker with a glass of Chardonnay and finally a peanut butter pie with glass of Woodford Reserve neat. The chef and manager gave an interview after the great meal but I will need to upload tomorrow when I have better signal.
The rain has stopped for now and we are boondocking in a small public park that Chris was warned earlier it becomes a drug den after dark. Lucky has eaten 2 meals, I am feeling good so I will stick with the “I think I can” mentality for tonight.
Thank you for your on going support -
The back of The Pit Stop Bar RV Campground.
Lucky didn’t want to leave the welcome mat.
Nightly wind down on the couch.
Threatening weather on the horizon…
A stone cabin on the mountain top looks like it belongs in a fairy tail. And the garden is something to behold….
The rain begins in earnest again after a night of rain around 8:30am.
Even the horses don’t want to come out of the barn during the storm. Several kind strangers offer to give me.a lift - Karen filled me with energy.
Ever see Route 0?!?
So many beautiful little steams and rivers along the country side.
After 30 miles, Chris sends out Lucky to bring me in for the final stretch.
Good to be done for the day, especially with a great meal ahead at The Depot in town.