The Ship has landed

A big milestone today…RV has been acquired and while Mike and Alex watched me leave General RV nervously driving this massive ship, I made it home safely and into my driveway. While it is a big vessel, there is not a lot of room for the amount of gear we are planning to take. Now there is really no turning back as Monica will only let me keep this behemoth in our driveway for just so long! The intro to the equipment lasted 4 hours for us and i must admit once i brought it home, I had forgotten most of what they told me so hopefully i don’t short circuit the entire system before we even start! Lucky on the other hand knows something is afoot and excited about it.

David Green

David Green is an entrepreneur and endurance athlete who has competed in numerous Ironman competitions and ultrarunning events. After graduating from Columbia University in 1986, he founded several startups including SPLIFE, his latest sports-tech company. David lives in Florida with his wife, Mônica, and their three rescue dogs. In 2022, the couple founded Friends of Lucky Caminho (, a nonprofit to help strays like Lucky along Brazil’s Caminho da Fé trail. A portion of the book’s proceeds will be donated to the charity.

One week to go


T-13 Days