Day 6 - January 10
Today will be the wind down of Phase 1 of our Caminho run which is get to the start of Brazil 135 in one piece. Phase 2 will be the race itself which has a time limit and then Phase 3 will be the final hundred miles to the Basilica. The first six days have been rainy and conditions have been challenging on the feet but the temperatures have been excellent. Today was the queen stage of this phase as we climbed 6,500’ and ran 36 miles - we are tired and our feet are hurting.
I get asked a lot about how long it takes to train for an ultramarathon. I continue to learn that you continue getting fit for years as Amy and I realized that in 2018 when we ran our first Caminho we need lubrication, rash cream, electrolytes, foot care package, Tylenol and Aleve for pain. This year we have none of this as we seem to be used to the stresses after so many years doing it..
Foxy files: today we learned the foxy will eat a dead snake, dead birds, chase chickens, kill chickens and decapitate baby chickens. On a rural road where a farmer has chickens and other livestock, Foxy raids the chickens an then the farmer comes out with a machete to kill the fox which happens to be Foxy. As Foxy runs out of the driveway the farmer releases the biggest baddest dog you’ve ever seen. But, when the dog attacked Foxy, he turned around and snapped at the big dog and the big dog ran away. Foxy is insufferable.
We are deep into cattle country crossing through a gap in a mountain range that must be 20 miles deep. In this valley there a ranches one after another and Cowboys on horseback managing the herds. Foxy stirred up a group of about 50 cattle and got them moving in one direction as the cowboys started coming towards us. The cowboy team looked like father and son. The father had a broad mile and look at us speaking Portuguese rapidly. I picked up “cattle dog” to which I replied “Crazy dog.”
We are staying at Donna Claire’s House on the Caminho da Fe. Her son Edilson joined us to hang out. She made us fried whole fish, tomatoes with vinegar and onions, roasted pork, pinto beans, rice, xuxu and ice cold beers. Her family settled Sao Roque de Fortuna in 1918 and her entire family all live here. She went to tourism school late in life and converted her house to a Posada that welcomes pilgrims on the Caminho. We all ate together as a family. They have chickens, cats dogs but all outside. Foxy was welcomed in and I gave him a bath with me in the shower as he was a mess after a muddy, rainy day.
Edilson had a dog like Foxy that he told us he named “Dentinho” which means little tooth. He told us that he could give Dentinho a command to round up the cattle and bring them in while he waited. Edilson also shared that Dentinho saved his life when a cow pinned him down and mauled him until Dentinho attacked the cow. I asked him if his dog went after chickens like foxy and he said yes he did this only once but I trained him not to. I asked him how he accomplish this because foxy is so crazy about chickens. He told me the next time he saw him go after a chicken he took the chicken and hit the dog with it in the head and he never did it again.
Alan and I ate the whole fish, Caique didn’t like fish and Amy declined as she took apart the fish to inspect. When Donna Claire sat to eat with us she told us she does t like the head and tail…Alan stuck with he likes it and her son Edilson woke up that he liked it that way as well. For me, after the third while I went back to cutting off the head.
Donna Claire also shared the story of when she hosted a man who was drunk and after she finished cooking the food he came over into the kitchen and was standing next to her looking at her and she said why don’t you sit down and eat. He replied “I don’t want anything to eat”. So, she reached into her skirt, pulled out a gun and told him I don’t want to put you to sleep forever so why don’t you just go sit at the dinner table. She said the man was so scared he ran out of the posada and never saw him again.
All for today.
Thank you for your support.
You take what you can get