Day 58 - Monday, July 19
I got into camp last night beat up - sore right knee, shin a little sore, left arch and down to 163 pounds when I started out at 174…lot of red alarms. Lucky was also not at his prime as he hasn’t been eating well and vomited his food night before - although it was some leftover brisket he threw up and then scooped it back up a few minutes later. After an award winning chili dinner and one beer I needed to lay down and promptly fell asleep before 7pm.
What a difference a good nights rest makes. I was up at 2:50am and tip toed around the RV so as not to wake up Chris and successfully snuck out around 4am after my usual coffee and yogurt parfait.
There was no moon, just expansive starry skies. Lucky was on and so was I - everything physically resolved for me and with the cool temperature it was exhilarating to be moving easily on The Oregon Trail.
Today was what I dreamed the journey could be: all day on trails of historical significance. I didn’t see one other person on the trail today other than a few passing cars.
From the Louis Vieux toll bridge our first stop was a cute little town named Westmoreland which is full of history on both the Oregon and California Trails. Parks, museums, even homes have relics from the past. Chris stopped at a café at the start of town to wait for me but learned the café was shut because everybody had “The Covid” so we stayed in the RV to refuel and didn’t make contact with anyone there. The next town of Fostoria was a few homes and a church but the road between these two towns was the nicest road I have seen in the United States - reminded of the great driving roads in Europe.
Chris picked me up after 32 miles in the middle of Fostoria and Blue Rapids on a dirt road with no place to boon-dock and came back to Westmoreland where there is an RV park.
We will head to a bigger town tomorrow named Marysville which will be the last stop in Kansas before heading into Nebraska. In Marysville on Wednesday, I will take off and deal with Lucky’s treatment, resupply, clean and get ready for our next leg.
The pictures tell the story of the day best…
Thank you for your ongoing support -
The bridge we boon-docked on the left
Lucky was raring to go this morning at 4am
The Oregon Trail Road was perfectly groomed gravel
Corn and soybean farms gave way to big herds of cattle
An amazing sunrise over the corn fields
The Oregon Trail ended here
And then I navigated a series of back dirt roads
One of them had signs WIHA - Walk In Hunting Area…
More dirt roads…loving it! Lucky was having a blast chasing deer that were sleeping on the side of the road, rabbits and he even chased something into the corn fields which he usually stops at. I could only here the rustling of the stalks to know generally where he was and then when I called him he must have oriented on my voice because he came right out and to me. The highlight of his day was his ongoing love/hate relationship with the Cows. We met a hearty group of cattle that stood there ground, kind of. Just like the corn field first time, he somehow managed to get through the barbed fence onto their side and he ran with it until the tide turned…
I believe it!
Right outside of Westmoreland is a nice park with various historical landmarks
Lucky lined up with the oxen ready to head west
Various grave stones at the park for pioneers hastily buried as a result of cholera
Very nice houses in Westoreland
And this house sported a master gardener…
The road between Westmoreland and Fostoria reminded me of European roads
End of a great day - history, trails and a spicy shrimp marinara on cheese risotto with an ice cold beer.