Day 71 - Wednesday, August 4
Lake Mac was a great stay for us. I am very impressed by the set up around the lake. No alcohol allowed so there were beautiful RV’s parked through out the little parks around the lake. And, the trees provided huge canopy for all - can’t imagine how old the trees were.
We noticed that there were two types of campers - couples that were retired and families bringing their kids. Of course there was also Chris and I…
Chris was on the phone yesterday with his good friend who is in Salt Lake City right now. His friend asked Chris if he was chilling on the day off. I overheard Chris respond, “the word “chill” is not in David’s vocabulary”! We had a good laugh.
While i crashed at 8pm, Chris went out to mingle with our neighbors. He didn’t get good nights sleep and I woke up at 2:45am excited to get going on a 35 mile day before the sun came up.
The day was sunny until about 8am and then a stiff northerly wind came in and brought rain for the rest of my run. I prefer rain to high heat so it was a good day.
Lucky has not been eating well and we think he lost 4 pounds from 70lbs when the vet checked him. Every Wednesday we get emotionally whipsawed thinking its the end and again today we felt this especially with his fatigue. But, we learned his blood work is almost normal which is a great result. We just need to figure out how to get him to eat….thankfully Chris is a chef!
On the run I noticed pain in my arch. Turns out the beach we stayed on had nasty nettles all over and when I bathed Lucky yesterday I had a few that I removed but missed one. I tried to get out but couldn’t. Chris worked on it and thinks he got it out. I do not want an infection in the bottom of my foot…
We landed in Oshkosh, NE, a quaint little town. After parking the rig in the Oregon Trail Campsite, we walked into town and lined up at the Patriot Diner around 4:30pm waiting for the doors to open at 5pm. There was a rush of locals inside and Zoe, our waitress, was a one person staff - waiting, bussing, phone, you name it. We had 2 philly cheese steak sandwiches that were pretty darn good!
All for today - thank you all for the support.
The moon before sunrise
Route 92 around Lake Mac
A deer face off - he sees me…
And then runs off
Saw many of these windmills along the rural route today
Anyone using pay phones anymore!?
I really enjoyed chatting with the Twins from Poland who live in Nebraska. Learned about the windmills from them and more in the video below
The team at Oshkosh Animal Repair, thank you Dr. Chytka and Team!
Main Street
Waiting for the Patriot Diner to open on Main Street Oshkosh
Our second to last night in this great state!